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  • Writer's pictureEsther Andújar

Q3 Goals and changing the focus halfway through the year.

After coming from a rough Q2 and watching a bunch of goal videos, I got inspired to take a look at my goals for 2021 through my life lenses right now. As a writer who plots her stories, I got back to revise and change the outline constantly so it makes sense that I would be inclined to do the same thing for my yearly goals.

I'm happy to know my whys haven't changed. But the number of goals and the timelines I was giving myself doesn't feel in line with my whys. One of the biggest changes was the type of business I'm spending time and energy on to support my dream and goal of an author career change. What I was doing was not playing into my skills and my knowledge. It didn't align with the type of life I'm living nor the type of life I want to live. So at the end of June, I started a Virtual Assistant business that plays into my strengths.

With that in mind and the knowledge that I'm putting too many projects and tasks on my plate, I set up to plan a new 2021 Goals for the next six months and the goals for Q3.

I divide it into just two main areas; career and personal goals.

For my career goals, I want to build my Virtual Assistant Business in a way that supports my writing and author career goals. Also, I want to set up an Author Business plan in a way that enables me to create a long-lasting career. For me is important that I not only pursue my goals of being agented and get traditionally publish but also start Indie Publishing in the next couple of years. I think is smart to be on both sides of the business as much as having a long backlog of books.

As for my personal goals, I want to mostly ease my way into a more healthy life. I'm not gonna get into specifics because I'm not a health professional and I don't want to share any health stats here but as time passes by I'm more aware of how important is to take care of myself if I want to take care of people around me and achieve my goals.

As for my Q3 goals, I want to write the book I would love to start my Indie publishing career. I want to fix Millie's book (I have a bunch of youtube videos about writing this specific story and you can start with this writing vlog: I don't know if Millie's book is the one I want to eventually start querying agents for or another book idea that I have started writing a couple of times already. I'll decide while I fix what is wrong with Millie's book.

I also want to get more clients for my VA business. I love helping others but I've realized the current model and climate in the Customer Service business has robbed me of that joy. So I'm taking matters into my own hands and I will help other small business owners with the skills and knowledge I have acquired throughout my years working for others.

And obviously working towards a more healthy and happy life for me with lots of things that I genuinely enjoy doing and none of the guilt the productivity culture and the hustle culture has brought to a lot of us.

Now let me ask you; do you plan by year, quarterly or monthly? Did you find yourself in the situation of having to re-look at your goals and maybe change them? Are you still on track with what you planed back in January? And if don't do all of the goal settings, planners, quarters, etc, do you have a way to keep track of the things you have achieved?

Let me know down in the comments your responses or any thoughts you'll like to share with me.

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